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Privacy policy

Privacy Policy.


1) What's in this Policy?
The purpose of this privacy policy is to inform you. It explains how we collect, use and store your personal data. The contractual conditions applicable between us remain unchanged. You will also find information by consulting the website of the data protection authority at the following link:
Until 24/05/2018, the legislation in force regarding privacy is the law of 08/12/1992 on the protection of privacy with regard to personal data processing and its decrees of 'execution. From 25/05/2018, the new Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free circulation of these data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation) will apply.

Who is concerned ?
Our Policy applies to all natural persons, whether they are customers or employees of Dansaert Hotel. Legal persons are not concerned by this Policy.

What data is covered by this policy?
Personal data about you, meaning data which allows  to identify you directly (data such as your name and surname allow your immediate identification), or indirectly (data such as your phone number, or the license plate of your vehicle allow your identification indirectly).
During our interactions with you, we may collect various personal data depending on the relationship concerned:
-data of identification (for example: surname, first name, address, etc.);
-data of contact (for example: address, email address, telephone, etc.);
-household composition (eg marital status, number of children, etc.);
-recording images (for security purposes only)

In some cases, your consent will be (again) requested for the processing of these data for other purposes.

2) When and how is your personal data collected?
-when you complete forms or contracts we submit to you, for a reservation, or for another request;
-when you use our services;
-when you subscribe to our newsletters;
-when you contact us through the different channels available to you;
-When you are filmed by our surveillance cameras located in and around our buildings. Images are recorded solely for the purpose of preserving the security of property and persons and to prevent abuse, fraud and other offenses that our customers and we may be victims of (their presence is indicated by stickers);
-When you provide data when using our websites (including our pages on social networks).

3) On what basis and for what purposes can your data be processed?
We process your personal data for various purposes. For each treatment, only the data relevant for the purpose in question is processed.
In general, and as an example, we use your personal data:
- in the context of the execution of the contract (room reservation);
- when we have obtained your consent, in which case we process your personal data for the specific purpose for which you have given consent;

4) How do we protect your data?
Access to your personal data is only allowed to those persons for whom it is necessary to accomplish their tasks.

5) Who has access to your data and to whom are they transferred?
In order to protect your privacy, the people who are authorized to access your data are selected according to their duties.
It is possible that for optimal data processing, we call on subcontractors. These subcontractors are contractually bound to us and must, therefore, follow our instructions and comply with the principles set out in this Notice.
6) What are your rights and how can you exercise them?
A. Right of access
You have a right of access to the data concerning you.
B. Right of rectification
If you find that, despite our best efforts, your data is inaccurate or incomplete, you may ask us to rectify it.
C. Right to erasure ("right to be forgotten")
In certain specific cases, the legislation allows you to have your personal data deleted.
D. Right to limitation of treatment
In certain specific cases, you may request the limitation of the processing of your personal data.
E. Right to portability
In some cases you have the right to obtain an extract of the personal data you have provided us.
F. Right of opposition
When the processing of your personal data is based on a legitimate or general interest, you have the right to oppose this processing at any time, for reasons related to your particular situation.
G. Right not to be the subject of a decision based exclusively on automated processing, including profiling
H. Right to withdraw your consent
When treatment at Dansaert Hotel is based on your consent, you may at any time object to the processing of this data
I. Who to contact?
To exercise your rights, simply send your dated and signed application with a photocopy of both sides of your identity card by mail or e-mail to

7) How long do we keep your data?
Dansaert Hotel only uses your personal data for the entire period that is required. After completion of this purpose, the data is deleted.
This implies that the processed data is kept for the duration of the contract, the statutory limitation period as well as any other retention period that would be required by the applicable legislation.
8) Our cookie policy
If you visit one of our websites or use one of our mobile applications, you can choose whether or not you accept cookies and, if applicable, other technological means that collect data and information about your browsing habits. .
9) Changes to this Policy
This policy may be subject to change. We invite you to consult the latest online version of this policy on our website.